

                 In the present higher education scenario of the nation, institutions like ours have a very significant role to play. With the broadening of the horizons of higher education, institutions have been called upon to adapt and evolve. In response to the same, Mariani College has introduced, over the years, courses that are of contemporary relevance to the stakeholders of the society. As a community, we have imbibed a holistic approach towards education. A dedicated website in this near-virtual world is more than a mere necessity.

               The college pays much attention to provide utmost facilities and avenues to students enabling them to fruitfully pursue B.A, B.Com B.SC Degree Courses under Dibrugarh University and Higher Secondary Courses in Arts, Science and Commerce under Assam Higher Secondary Education Council. Moreover, keeping a view to make the students well skilled, the college introduced a number of Vocational Courses (Add on) over the years. The college aims to make all round development of its students by encouraging and organizing different co-curricular activities like games and sports, cultural performance, etc. Equally, the College has performed significant numbers of community development programmes. We hope that our website will help in disseminating the right sort of information and will thereby prove beneficial to the parents and the students.


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Mariani College was established in 1966 by the sincerest initiatives of a good numbers of benevolent public and educationists of greater Mariani.


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Naharbari Grant, Mariani, Assam, IN
Tel. +91 3771 242118 / 244525

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