The main objective of this paper is to make the students comprehend the various processes responsible for the development of diverse landforms on the earth surface. The candidate will also learn how the natural surrounding and human activities are responsible for the distribution of plants and animals.

Reading List 

  1. Bloom A. L., 2003: Geomorphology: A Systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic Landforms, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. 
  2. Bridges E. M., 1990: World Geomorphology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 
  3. Christopherson, Robert W., (2011), Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 8 Ed., Macmillan Publishing Company 12 
  4. Kale V. S. and Gupta A., 2001: Introduction to Geomorphology, Orient Longman, Hyderabad. 
  5. Knighton A. D., 1984: Fluvial Forms and Processes, Edward Arnold Publishers, London. 
  6. Richards K. S., 1982: Rivers: Form and Processes in Alluvial Channels, Methuen, London. 
  7. Selby, M.J., (2005), Earth’s Changing Surface, Indian Edition, OUP 
  8. Skinner, Brian J. and Stephen C. Porter (2000), The Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to physical Geology, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons 
  9. Thornbury W. D., 1968: Principles of Geomorphology, Wiley. 
  10. Gautam, A (2010): Bhautik Bhugol, Rastogi Punlications, Meerut 
  11. Tikkaa, R N (1989): Bhautik Bhugol ka Swaroop, Kedarnath Ram Nath, Meerut 
  12. Singh, S (2009):Bhautik Bhugol ka Swaroop, Prayag Pustak,Allahabad 
  13. Bhattacharyya, N.N. : Biogeography 
  14. Mahanta, A. P. : Biogeography