The objective of this paper is to make the students familiar with the various aspects of India. The
students will learn about the physical, anthropogenic and economic diversity of India and the factors
responsible for such diversities.
Reading List
- Deshpande C. D., 1992: India: A Regional Interpretation, ICSSR, New Delhi.
- Johnson, B. L. C., ed. 2001. Geographical Dictionary of India. Vision Books, New Delhi.
- Mandal R. B. (ed.), 1990: Patterns of Regional Geography – An Intenational Perspective. Vol. 3 –Indian Perspective.
- Sdyasuk Galina and P Sengupta (1967): Economic Regionalisation of India, Census of India
- Sharma, T. C. 2003: India - Economic and Commercial Geography. Vikas Publ., New Delhi.
- Singh R. L., 1971: India: A Regional Geography, National Geographical Society of India.
- Singh, Jagdish 2003: India - A Comprehensive & Systematic Geography, Gyanodaya Prakashan,Gorakhpur.
- Spate O. H. K. and Learmonth A. T. A., 1967: India and Pakistan: A General and Regional Geography, Methuen.
- Tirtha, Ranjit 2002: Geography of India, Rawat Publs., Jaipur & New Delhi.
- Pathak, C. R. 2003: Spatial Structure and Processes of Development in India. Regional Science Assoc., Kolkata.
- Tiwari, R.C. (2007) Geography of India. Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad
- Sharma, T.C. (2013) Economic Geography of India. Rawat Publication, Jaipur